Whenever you can work smarter rather than harder, you should. This adage is especially true when the smarter method also provides better results. If you’re in the middle of building or remodeling a home, insulation might be on your mind. The smart, better, easier choice is to buy InSoFast insulation wall panels for your Utah home’s insulation upgrade.
Introducing InSoFast, LLC
Our company got its start in 2006, as an insulation producer focused on commercial energy efficiency. The flexibility and convenience of our panels have allowed us to also find a foothold in the DIY market. We will ship for free from our facilities within South Dakota, Massachusetts, Idaho, and Minnesota as long as the destination is within the Lower 48.
Easy Insulation Installation
Installing InSoFast insulation panels is simple. The panels connect to one another at the interlocking notched sites on the edges. When applying to the wall, builders will use a 3/8” bead of Loctite PL Premium 3X Stronger Construction Adhesive on the stud to achieve a strong bond. The installation will proceed from one corner to the next and then rise. The system of continuous insulation will grow stronger with each additional panel, and taping isn’t necessary during installation.
If you’re doubtful that you can take on this project yourself, take heart! Watch a few videos online to prepare for this easy process.
InSoFast Insulation Panels Feature:
- EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) foam composition
- Built-in raceways for installing services
- Moisture control channels
- Pre-set cut lines
- Built-in rot resistant frame created by embedded studs
- Non-ferrous studs found every 16” on center, with indicator lines for hanging drywall
- Physically and chemically inert
- Work for above and sub-ground use
- Non-porous, closed-cell, injection-molded EPS foam
- Work indoors and outdoors
- Apply to any flat surface – floors, walls, and ceilings
- Will not settle, deteriorate, or decrease in effectiveness over time
- Tongue and groove edges protect from goof ups during installation
- Panel dimensions of 24”x48”
Strong Insulation
InSoFast insulation panels work because of the strong closed-cell technology and the tight connection of the system. The UX 2.0 panel has an R-value of 8.5 that outperforms traditional batt systems of R-13 insulation, and the EXi 2.5 panel has an R-value of 10 that outperforms traditional batt systems of R-15 insulation. Both options meet all existing and future energy codes.
Continuous Insulation
Continuous insulation coverage means the system has no thermal breaks. With traditional batt set ups, the wooden frame is the enemy of insulation coverage. Every stud creates a break in coverage. That’s why the embedded studs included in InSoFast insulation panels are so important. These studs are sheathed within the EPS foam, and they’re not conductive. No loss of thermal energy occurs, but the studs are stronger than wooden ones.
Beyond Insulation
Beyond the incredibly easy installation and the continuous, quality coverage, InSoFast panels also encourage easy wiring and framing. You’ll be able to install the panels, run electric wiring, hang drywall, and enjoy your home far faster by choosing our products.
The moisture control channels on the panels will also eliminate water and moisture, and the panels aren’t porous. These factors inhibit mold and mildew as well as decrease the likelihood of pest infestations.
The smartest option for upgrading your Utah home’s insulation is to buy InSoFast insulation wall panels. If you’re intrigued but still unconvinced, check out a few videos on our website or give us a call: (888) 501-7899.