Buy Shipping Container Insulation Panels in Hollywood, FL

Are you wondering how to simplify constructing a container transformation? Those who’ve considered a shipping container project but dismissed it as unrealistic ought to reconsider, especially upon discovering InSoFast insulation panels. With an order to buy our shipping container insulation panels and have them shipped directly to your planned site in Hollywood, FL, you’ll have a step up on more than just insulation.

Diverse Set of InSoFast Insulation Solutions for Shipping Container Conversions

InSoFast insulation panels come in three different systems of continuous insulation to suit any plan or level of insulation demanded. The products in question include CX44 shipping container insulation panels, InSoFast interior insulation panels including UX2.0 and EXi2.5, InSerts, and CX-LP Low-Pro embedded studs.

Each of these products is made of non-porous, closed-cell EPS foam. We use injection molding to shape the foam into the perfect shape and size for specific purposes. The material isn’t subject to degradation, and once installed, your insulation will be effective for the life of your building.

Buy Shipping Container Insulation Panels in Hollywood, FL

The Critical Nature of Insulation to Shipping Container Projects

The metal of shipping containers leads to inhabitable conditions. The thermal instability will cause internal temperature extremes that would be impossible to moderate effectively without quality insulation.

While you could choose the traditional route by installing a wooden frame and fiberglass batting, the results will be less effective, unnecessarily bulky, and welcoming to damaging moisture, mold, and mildew. InSoFast insulation systems are superior in all conceivable ways.

Option One

The CX44 shipping container panel is likely the most straightforward, simple method of insulating a shipping container, and the product provides several benefits.

The first advantage comes from the dimensions, size, and weight of the panel. The panel is thin so that it takes little of the limited interior space, and it’s light and stackable for ease of maneuvering and applying on your own.

The panel is meant to go in horizontally. This method will allow the embedded studs to line up on the ribs of the corrugation in a pattern that repeats every 11”. The studs within the panel allows for adhesion to the side walls, and they also provide a frame for reinforcement and drywall installation, eliminating any need for a wooden frame.

Option Two

An even stronger system of insulation comes when you coordinate the use of interior panels with InSoFast InSerts. The inserts fill up the recesses created by the corrugation, leaving a flat layer upon which interior panels should follow. The resulting system will leave no room for untreated air.

Option Three

The third option works well for buildings that don’t require electricity wired throughout them. The CX-LP Low-Pro studs rest along the ribbed corrugation, and the InSerts fill the empty spaces. You then apply your choice of rigid foam board between the studs to complete the insulation system.

Simple Tools for a Simple Install

The installation process for InSoFast insulation products is straightforward. We even offer video and written resources online for your edification. Check them out to reassure yourself that you’re prepared. The tools you’ll need to gather include a utility knife for modifying the foam and a saw of some type to cut through the studs when needed. You’ll also need a caulking gun to apply the construction adhesive and canned spray foam insulation to seal up the edges and gaps when done.

To buy InSoFast shipping container insulation panels and have them shipped to your Hempstead, FL, project location, use our online options or call (888) 501-7899.