How To Finish A Garage – Framing And Insulating

Finding additional space for your aging relatives can prove problematic for homeowners in the “sandwich generation.” Fortunately, the garage space can be converted into an apartment to provide room to welcome them while offering a bit of independence and separation. If you’re wondering how to finish a garage, InSoFast insulating panels provide an easy method with built-in framing as well.

How To Finish A Garage - Framing And Insulating

You can install the insulation on your own seamlessly. Our panels don’t attract mold and mildew, nor do they cost a fortune or a ton of time. InSoFast insulation panels are made of closed-cell EPS foam that lacks porosity or vulnerability. Their insulation power will keep going strong even as fiberglass insulation settles, molds, and fails to insulate.

Since our beginning in 2006, InSoFast, LLC, has developed, manufactured, and distributed energy efficient wall panels for insulation systems. Our products are in-line with existing and future energy regulations. They also make additional construction steps easier, including framing, wiring, and drywalling.

Even though we originally meant for our panels to be used in a commercial setting, the ease and speed of installation have propelled them into the DIY market. Our panels’ patented and patent-pending features make them indispensable for any forward-thinking builder.

The Interior Insulation Used for Garage Finishing

InSoFast, LLC, provides two product lines that are perfect for interior insulation purposes. The 2.0 Flat Panel is the base level of insulation and works well for all sorts of projects, and the 2.5 Flat Panel is the next level up.

Both styles of panels are 2’x4′ and function as a Class III vapor barrier and a fire retardant. They provide a rot-resistant frame, service channels for wiring, moisture mitigating drainage channels, and interlocking notched edges.

  • The 2.0 Flat Panel has R-8.5 energy efficiency and outperforms fiberglass insulation labeled R-13.
  • The 2.5 Flat Panels have R-10.5 energy efficiency and outperform fiberglass insulation labeled R-15.

The InSoFast PLUS system takes insulation even further. Choose the Flat Panel of your choice and follow up the installation with a layer of rigid foam board from your local hardware store. The R-value effect is cumulative, making it possible to elevate it to R-20.

DIY Friendly Features of InSoFast Insulation Panels:

  • Cut to fit system with a utility knife through EPS foam, and a saw through embedded studs
  • Other materials needed include a caulk gun and construction adhesive for affixing the panels to the wall and then canned spray foam to seal up gaps and edges
  • No taping is needed for simple installation and seamless edging
  • Stackable panels – lightweight and non-bulky
  • Notched alignment edges provide effortless straight and true alignment
  • Built-in polypropylene studs every 16″ on center promote fixing the panel on the wall and the drywall to the panel
  • Built-in electric service channels running in both directions perpendicularly
  • Moisture drainage channels keep vapor from being left contained within wall cavities
  • Embedded studs have the holding strength equal to 20-gauge steel studs

InSoFast EPS closed-cell panels ship without surcharge directly to project sites throughout the continental US from our factories in Idaho, Minnesota, and Massachusetts.

Reach out to InSoFast, LLC, online or via phone at (888) 396-9677 if you’d like to learn more about how to finish a garage with our products for complete insulating and framing innovations.