How to Insulate Interior Walls

InSoFast - the best insulation for interior walls

When you are looking for information on how to insulate the interior walls, floors and ceilings of your residential or large-scale commercial project, consider EPS foam insulation panels from InSoFast!

Building codes in most communities require a minimum amount of insulation in a home's exterior walls and ceiling. Interior wall insulation is less common, except in basements, but offers excellent energy saving and noise-reducing benefits.

InSoFast, LLC develops energy efficient building systems that exceed present and future energy codes, outperform the competition, and simplify the construction process.

How to Insulate Interior Walls

About InSoFast Interior Insulation

The InSoFast UX 2.0 Panel is R-8.5 closed-cell, injection-molded continuous EPS foam insulation that comes in 2-foot x 4-foot interlocking panels of varying depths. EPS is a non-toxic, inert insulation that maintains its R-value for the life of your building. The foam body is manufactured with a fire-retardant additive and serves as a Class III vapor barrier.

Each panel is 2-inches thick with a flat surface that exposes the face of the embedded studs. With rot-resistant framing, drainage channels, electrical raceways, and a simple, stackable interlocking design, the UX 2.0 panel is exceptionally cost-effective for base-level code requirements.

InSoFast insulation panels are manufactured without any ozone depleting CFCs or HCFCs that could affect the indoor air quality of your home. The closed cell foam is inert and experiences no physical or chemical breakdown over time.

The use of InSoFast EPS insulation offers great flexibility, durability and thermal efficiency. It’s typically more cost effective to choose EPS over a combination of other insulating materials. And, because our EPS panels are very lightweight, they can be easily cut and installed on the jobsite and require no special safety gear to handle.

Need a Thicker Panel?

When you need a thicker panel with a higher R-value, the EXi 2.5 Panel, at 2 ½-inches thick, is a great choice. Its tighter interlocks and recessed studs keep the EX barrier truer and straighter, enabling it to bridge over cups, bows and other irregularities, particularly in concrete basement walls.

This InSoFast panel’s continuous R-value of 10 outperforms traditionally framed R-15 batt walls and provides 20% more insulation than our UX panels. And, combining interior and exterior InSoFast insulation panels can equate to R-values of 18.5 to 20 in the panels alone.

No matter which panels you choose, most jobs can be installed with little more than a hand saw, a utility knife, and a caulk gun.

InSoFast patented EPS insulation panels are the best insulation for interior walls. They are manufactured in Idaho, Massachusetts and Minnesota and shipped free of charge to project sites across the country and can be special ordered at many Menards home improvement stores in the Midwest. Call us today at (888) 501-7899 or visit us online to learn more.

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