Basement Floor Insulation Panels

The easy way to insulate the cold concrete floor of your basement

In addition to insulating masonry or framed walls, InSoFast EPS foam insulation panels provide an easy way to insulate the cold concrete floor of your basement.

About InSoFast Insulation Panels

InSoFast is a style of engineered continuous insulation that comes in 24-inch x 48-inch interlocking panels of varying depths. The versatile closed-cell, injection-molded panels can be universally applied to everything from floors to ceilings – interior and exterior – in both new and retrofit construction projects, as well as to shipping container interiors.

The UX 2.0 Panel is 2-inches thick with a flat surface that exposes the face of the embedded studs. The attachment studs provide a secure surface to screw to the subfloor.

Basement Floor Insulation Panels

With a continuous R-value of 8.5, rot-resistant framing, drainage channels, electrical raceways, and a simple, stackable interlocking design, this panel is exceptionally cost-effective for base-level code requirements.

When you need a higher R-value, the EX 2.5 Panel, at 2 ½-inches thick, is an excellent choice. It features tighter interlocks and recessed studs that keep the EX barrier truer and straighter, enabling it to bridge over cups, bows and other irregularities in concrete walls and floors.

This InSoFast panel’s continuous R-value of 10 outperforms traditionally framed R-15 batt walls and provides 20% more insulation than our UX panels.

Installation Methods

Before you begin, the concrete slab should be in good condition, level, and free of excess moisture. Prior to installing InSoFast panels, low spots can be filled in with concrete patch or concrete floor leveler. If your basement floor or walls need waterproofing, this must be done before InSoFast is installed.

There are four basic methods for installing InSoFast floor insulation: floating, glued down, screwed down, and fully adhered.

  • Floating method: This method involves placing the panels directly on the concrete without any adhesive. Interlock the panels together with the tongue-and-groove edges in a running bond or staggered pattern. Floating insulation is recommended for carpet, laminate and wood floors. It is a simpler, quicker installation that makes the concrete floor feel softer and more comfortable.
  • Glued down method: The glued down method of installation involves bonding the panels in place with a 3/8” bead of PL Premium 3X Stronger Construction Adhesive along the dove-tailed ribbing of each stud. The glued down method can be used for carpet, laminate and wood floors.
  • Screwed down method: Attach InSoFast panels to the concrete floor by installing concrete screws through the studs. This method can be used for any flooring type.
  • Fully adhered method: For tile applications, the InSoFast panels are set in a bed of thin-set tile adhesive with a notched trowel according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This will create a solid base that eliminates movement.

Once you’ve installed the InSoFast insulation panels, a subflooring layer of at least ½-inch must be installed on top of the panels, followed by the finish flooring.

Keep in mind that InSoFast panels alone will raise the floor by 2- to 2½-inches. This will affect existing door swings, the floor-to-ceiling height, and the height of any staircase steps. Plan accordingly for the best results.

When you need insulated panels for your basement floor insulation project, consider InSoFast EPS foam panels. They have become the preferred DIY insulation method and can be shipped free of charge to project sites across the continental U.S. Call us today at (888) 501-7899 for more information.

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