Insulated floors in your home can help keep your house warm, reduce your energy bills, and make the home quieter. InSoFast EPS foam insulation panels are cost-effective and can be installed by do-it-yourselfers four times faster than other solutions!
InSoFast, LLC, established in 2006, manufactures closed-cell, injection-molded EPS foam insulation panels at facilities in Idaho, Massachusetts and Minnesota and ships them free of charge to project sites across the continental U.S.
Interior Floor Insulation
InSoFast is a style of engineered continuous insulation that comes in 2-foot x 4-foot interlocking panels of varying depths. The versatile closed-cell, injection-molded panels can be universally applied to everything from floors to ceilings – interior and exterior – in both new and retrofit construction projects.
The UX 2.0 Panel is 2-inches thick with a flat surface that exposes the face of the embedded studs. With a continuous R-value of 8.5, rot-resistant framing, drainage channels, electrical raceways, and a simple, stackable interlocking design, this panel is exceptionally cost-effective for base-level code requirements.
If you are looking for a higher R-value, the EXi 2.5 Panel, at 2 ½-inches thick, is ideal. Its tighter interlocks and recessed studs keep the EX barrier truer and straighter. This InSoFast panel’s continuous R-value of 10 outperforms traditionally framed R-15 batt walls and provides 20% more insulation than our UX panels.
Insulating Concrete Floors
If your basement or garage is chilly all the time, the concrete floor is probably a big part of the problem. InSoFast insulation panels can help warm up the room and provide the perfect foundation for finish flooring such as carpeting.
Before you begin, the concrete slab should be in good condition, level, and free of excess moisture. Prior to installing InSoFast panels, low spots should be filled in with concrete patch or concrete floor leveler. If you know you have issues with moisture, waterproofing must be done before InSoFast is installed.
To comply with building codes, measure the floor-to-ceiling height to ensure you will have adequate clearance between the ceiling and the surface of the finished floor. InSoFast panels alone will raise the floor by 2- to 2½-inches. Subflooring (a minimum of ½-inch is required atop the InSoFast insulation panels) and floor covering will reduce the clearance further, so plan accordingly for the best results.
We encourage you to read about the four basic methods for installing InSoFast floor insulation – floating, glued down, screwed down, and fully adhered – to determine which method will meet your needs.
Insulating Wooden Floors
As much as 15% of the heat in a room can be lost through uninsulated ground floors, particularly in rooms located above unheated basements or garages.
The easiest and least disruptive way to insulate your floor may be to install InSoFast insulation on the ceiling of the room beneath the floor in question. When the floor is not accessible from below, you can insulate from above with InSoFast panels, but the ideal time to do this is when major renovations are taking place that require removal or lifting of the floor.
The experts at InSoFast can provide the best advice on installing floor insulation specific to your climate and home. For more information about our insulated panels or where to buy them, call us at (888) 501-7899. We love to help!