The Best Wall Insulation and Framing System
50% of your energy loss goes out your walls.
Whether you’re rehabbing a 19th century home or building a new one, InSoFast panels are the perfect solution for insulating interior walls. Adding insulation to your walls is one of the most effective investments you can make for your home. If you have a well insulated roof you still can have an uncomfortable cold, hot, and drafty room. 50% of your energy loss now goes out your walls.
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Perfect Insulation for Old Plaster Walls
The simple solution insulate your walls.
The payback can begin in only 4.4 years! But in order to make the renovation worthwhile, there are a few factors to consider before you start insulating. The importance of addressing moisture issues is the first problem you should address. Moisture Issues are among the most tricky conditions and it is crucial in avoiding costly mistakes.
Garage Insulation Project
Insulated Concrete Home
Some of our customers even choose to insulate the interior and exterior with InSoFast which can equate to R-Values of 18.5 to 20 for the panels alone. If you then calculate thermal mass into the energy saving equation, you have the most energy efficient building you can build.
Insulated Concrete Block School Gymnasium Project
Insulated Walk-out Basement
Insulated Community Room
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