Adding exterior wall insulation to enhance the thermal stability of your home can be much simpler than you imagine. InSoFast insulation panels create a continuous system of insulation without demolition required. With no thermal bridging, our system is much more effective than fiberglass and more affordable and convenient than injected insulation materials.
InSoFast insulation panels are 2’x4’, lightweight, stackable, and easily installed. The Flat Panel EXe 2.5 is the product line that is designed for use on the structural exterior. These panels are appropriate for use by professionals and DIY minded homeowners. Retrofit your existing home with these panels and then cover them with your choice of 2” cladding options including vinyl, brick, stone, stucco, etc.
The exterior panel provides R-10 thermal efficiency, and when combined into a wall system, they provide continuous insulation serving as a weather screen assembly. Moisture control channels on both sides of the non-porous panels protect from vapor and moisture intrusion.
The insulation itself outperforms fiberglass insulation labeled as R-15 due to the tight fit of the system, lack of thermal bridges, and resistance to degradation of the panels.
Preparing to install InSoFast exterior insulation panels will be a breeze. Leave the old wood trim and lead paint; just envelope the home in a full system of our panels.
Why Not Choose Other Insulation Options?
InSoFast insulation panels aren’t the only option; they’re just the best.
When choosing products, you’ll need to consider the potential for DIY installation, product expenses, quality, and effectiveness.
With fiberglass, you’ll gain affordability and fairly convenient installation features. Most handy people can perform this project. The problem with fiberglass is that it soaks up water and provides a petri dish for growing mold and mildew. When exposed to water, fiberglass loses effectiveness, and since fiberglass batting requires a frame, thermal bridging will occur. You will have to perform some demo on the home since the application will require access to the wall cavity.
Injecting insulation into the home’s exterior is another viable method. It does require professional skills and equipment, so you’ll have labor costs involved. You can choose to have foam or cellulose injected into the wall cavity, but you should consider the chemical makeup of the product. Be prepared to face a mess since the product will likely blow through the vents and outlets. This method can be quite expensive, but it can provide continuous insulation coverage.
Expanded Polystyrene Foam panels like InSoFast panels balance affordability, easy installation, and effectiveness. The finishing materials can be installed into the framing created by the embedded studs, and the project can be easily completed independently with only a utility knife, adhesive method, saw, and canned spray foam. The adhesive measures typically chosen include construction adhesive, masonry adhesive, and mechanical attachment (nails or screws). The resulting insulation is continuous, highly effective, and resistant to moisture intrusion.
The completion of your exterior insulation project requires little time and work when you choose InSoFast insulation panels to apply to the wall directly. Reach out to our team by calling (888) 501-7899 or through our website to discover how you can upgrade your home. We urge customers to order a sample kit to check out the panels for themselves, and when you decide to order a full supply, we will credit the cost of the sample from the overall expenses.