Insulated Panels for Basement Walls

The fastest, most cost-effective way to insulate your basement interior

If you are thinking about remodeling your basement to expand your home’s living space but worry about it being cold and damp, consider insulating the walls with insulated EPS foam panels from InSoFast.

InSoFast, LLC develops energy efficient building systems that exceed present and future energy codes, outperform the competition, and simplify the construction process. Our patented and patent-pending EPS foam insulation panels are manufactured and shipped to project sites across the country from our manufacturing facilities in Idaho, Massachusetts and Minnesota.

Feature-Rich InSoFast Panels

The fastest, most cost-effective way to insulate your basement interior is with closed-cell, injection-molded EPS foam panels from InSoFast! This can easily be done by do-it-yourselfers with a minimum of tools and supplies.

InSoFast is a style of engineered continuous insulation that comes in 2-foot x 4-foot interlocking panels of varying depths. The panels can be applied universally to any interior or exterior wall assembly, as well as floors and ceilings, in both new and retrofit construction projects.

Insulated Panels for Basement Walls


The InSoFast UX 2.0 Panel is 2-inches thick with a flat surface that exposes the face of the embedded studs. R-8.5 continuous insulation, rot-resistant framing, drainage channels, electrical raceways, and a simple, stackable interlocking design make this panel the most cost-effective solution for base-level code requirements.

The InSoFast EXi 2.5 Panel is 2 ½-inches thick. If you need a solution that goes beyond base-level, this panel’s continuous R-value of 10 outperforms traditionally framed R-15 batt walls and provides 20% more insulation than the UX panels. Its tighter interlocks and recessed studs keep the EX barrier truer and straighter, enabling it to bridge over cups, bows and other irregularities in concrete basement walls.

InSoFast panels include built-in chases that run both vertically and horizontally across each panel, enabling you to install electrical boxes anywhere you need them. They also provide a simple, easy way to insulate cold concrete floors. The attachment studs provide a secure surface to screw the subfloor.

The InSoFast moisture control channels are designed to redirect the flow of potential moisture so that it does not become trapped in your walls and cause problems. However, InSoFast panels should not be considered a waterproofing solution. If your basement needs waterproofing, it must be done before InSoFast is installed.

Basement Conversion Ideas

Unlike other parts of your home, the basement doesn’t have to be limited to a single purpose. In addition to converting basements into extra bedrooms or home offices, today’s homeowners have found unique ways to use the space, including:

Wine cellars: The fact that basements are constructed underground makes it easier to keep the space at a constant temperature year-round. This makes the basement ideal for wine storage.

Entertainment rooms: By adding a pool table, pinball machines, a bar, and a big-screen TV, your basement can become a comfortable gathering area for your friends and family to watch movies or enjoy the big game.

Fitness rooms: If your basement is large enough, consider installing fitness equipment to give yourself a private exercise room and save on expensive gym memberships.

Consider how our lightweight, easy-to-handle and cost-effective InSoFast insulated panels can help you insulate your basement walls, floor and ceiling properly. Call us today at (888) 501-7899 or contact us online to learn more about our products. We’re always happy to answer any questions you may have!

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