Buy Insulation Wall Panels In Washington

Seamless interlocking edges require no taping

When a product accomplishes the prescribed job as well as making associated jobs significantly easier, it’s worth a second look. For this reason, those in the market for insulation, need to look closely at the usefulness and effectiveness of InSoFast insulation wall panels. Even the cold and wet winters of Washington don’t stand a chance against the power of our panels.

InSoFast is a company founded in 2006. We manufacture insulation wall panels, shipping them from South Dakota, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Idaho. The inventiveness of the product makes clear our commitment to satisfaction and quality. Consider the various features of the design.

  • Composed of EPS (Expanded Polystyrene Foam)
  • Built in framing
  • Embedded studwork every 16” on center
  • Approved for both above ground and below ground applications
  • Non-porous
  • Products available for interior and exterior use
  • Resistant to physical and chemical degradation
  • Panels of 2’x4’ with a 2 or 2.5 inch thickness
  • Include electrical raceways
  • Both sides have moisture channels designed to eliminate moisture and vapor
  • Has pre-set cut lines
  • Interlocking grooves for mistake-proof fit

Buy Insulation Wall Panels In Washington

How It Works

Wondering how the panels fit and work together? Each panel will fit together intuitively; the tongue and groove interlocking components will be clear. Best practices include using a 3/8" bead of glue on the stud pieces for firm attachment along with expanding spray foam insulation to seal all cracks, gaps, and edges. The pieces are easy to cut with a utility knife or hand saw to fill the uneven spaces, and we provide many easy to follow videos online that will assist even the most untrained homeowner.

How Well It Works

Knowing that the insulation will actually work in the way needed is another rational question, easily answerable as well. The R-Value indicates the level of resistance insulation has to the loss of thermal energy, and the relationship is one of direct proportionality. The higher the R-value, the more effective the insulation is at maintaining the internal temperature. InSoFast panels work incredibly well. Depending on the model you choose, you’ll have an R-value of between 8.5 to 10, outperforming traditional methods that boast far higher R-values.

The maximization of InSoFast efficiency lies with the design. Most buildings lose thermal energy at the stud location because the stud is made of wood or metal, and the stud conducts thermal energy outward. The conventional design also has gaps in coverage at these locations, lessening the effect of the insulation. The design of InSoFast eliminates these gaps. The insulation wall will be without gap, and the studs are internally sheathed within the actual insulation.

Expanded Benefits

Even though the ease of insulation is impressive enough, InSoFast isn’t done. This product also affects the wiring and framing aspects of construction, making both easier. The panels include electrical raceways meant to run wiring without difficulty or confusion, and the studs held within the panels are true, strong, and perfect for easy hanging of drywall, additional insulating board, or other attachments, such as cabinets.

The choice of insulating material for your home in Washington will be clear once you consider insulation wall panels from InSoFast. This product is cost-effective, highly efficient, multi-beneficial, flexible, and easily installed, revolutionizing the difficulty level largely associated with insulation projects.

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