An exaggerated demonstration of InSoFast moisture control channels redirecting water content
How to Keep Your Walls Dry
InSoFast panels manage water in two ways. First, they prevent water transfer in order to keep dry walls dry. Second, they redirect the flow of trapped water in order to let damp walls become dry. These are two processes that play significant roles in maintaining a healthy living environment.
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- Prevention
The body of the InSoFast panel is a closed-cell EPS barrier. This barrier works much the same way as a beverage cozi on a hot day. The uninsulated surface of a cold can collects little beads of moisture due to condensation from the warm atmosphere. Slip a cozi over the can and it acts as a thermal barrier. The atmosphere stays warm, your drink stays cold and moisture stops collecting on the surface because the temperatures between the two have been balanced by the barrier.
- Redirection
The back of the InSoFast UX 2.0 panel features a series of drainage channels that prevent water from becoming trapped in a wall system by allowing it to flow out. These channels are specifically-sized cavities that moderate wall pressure so that the wall assembly is continuously drained. Adding a perimeter drainage system to your basement improves the functionality of these channels by providing a space for the water to escape. You may also wish to consider a system for Active Dampness Control (PDF, 740kb).
Compatible Waterproofing Products
DRYLOK® Products
Emecole Pene-Seal-Crete
Pene-Seal-Crete is easy to install and will penetrate up to 3 inches into concrete walls. It helps seal out water vapor and soil gasses like radon when applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions. According to the EPA, the number one cause of lung cancer in non-smokers is radon gas. Pene-Seal-Crete reduces the presence of radon in a home by reacting with concrete’s free lime and forming an expanded crystalline structure beneath the surface. This process fills pores, voids and cracks within the concrete that may or may not be visible to the human eye. It may also be used to permanently densify, strengthen and waterproof new and existing concrete.
Consider sealing concrete floors, as well. If you are doing new construction, it should have a vapor barrier (6 to 15 mill poly) installed directly underneath the slab to help prevent moisture and soil gasses from entering through the slab. If you do not have a vapor barrier under the slab, the use of a moisture and radon sealer such as Pene-Seal-Crete will help create a healthier interior environment.