Simplicity Matters
Our products demonstrate a clear and simple approach to insulation and framing that works. Both a skilled professional or a novice carpenter can install the self-flashing interlocking panels and expect the same great results. InSoFast is 4 times faster and can be less expensive. For more information about comparing InSoFast’s value to traditional methods go to: Compare cost/value
5 Parts: 1 Panel, 4 Screws

Typical Insulation
25 Parts and Pieces

InSoFast panel is a no compromise, one-step process that takes the complexity out of exterior continuous insulation. No longer will you have to deal with all of those parts, pieces, or problems. Our panel drains better, dries better, performs better and just plain works better.
One Part – Not So Many Pieces
- R-8.5 – 15.9 closed-cell EPS Continuous Insulation
- Stable insulation zero thermal drift
- Built-in Drain and Dry Technology
- Rot-Resistant, Embedded Stud Framing
- Interlocking Tongue and Groove Edges
The most cost effective way to install continuous insulation
- Simple to install, less parts and pieces
- Self-flashing panels; no taping seams
- No special tools or training needed
- One trip to the wall.
- Lives up to its name: In So Fast
Wall protection rain screen insulation
- Self-aligning interlocks provides straight and true framing
- The panel adds a secondary layer of defense.
- Interlocking self-flashing barrier
- InSoFast’s rain screen, “drain-and-dry” technology
- Accomplished in one step, that takes 4 steps with traditional assemblies.
- The built-in dual drainage planes
- Allows excess water to, “drain-and-dry”; your building safe and dry.
- Exterior Rated Moisture Control Tested to and exceeds;
- *ORSC, Section R703.1.1-approved rain screen and drainage technology
“Oregon Residential Specialty Code”
The exterior wall envelope shall be installed in a manner such that water that enters the assembly can drain to the exterior. The envelope shall consist of an exterior veneer, a water-resistive barrier as required in Section R703.2, a minimum 1/8-inch (3 mm) space between the water-resistive barrier and the exterior veneer, and integrated flashings as required in Section R703.8. The required space shall be formed by the use of any noncorrodible furring strip, drainage mat or drainage board. The envelope shall provide proper integration of flashings with the water-resistive barrier, the space provided and the exterior veneer. These components, in conjunction, shall provide a means of draining water that enters the assembly to the exterior.
Double Thermal Disconnect

- The panel provides a double thermal and moisture disconnect
- Uninterrupted continuous insulation (CI)
- InSoFast goes beyond just “CI”. The fastener that attaches the panel is recessed ½” and insulated reducing the thermal short to near zero.
- Fastening the exterior cladding does not penetrate the weather resistant barrier keeping your building secure and dry.
- EXe 2.5 panel is the best choice for CONTINUOUS-continuous insulation.
The easiest way to install continuous installation

- The human factor is engineered out of the installation process.
- Less parts and pieces = less training
- InSoFast will not rot, rust, warp, or decay
- Maintains its R-Value in extreme conditions, year after year.
- Exceed expectations, assemble less and Build Better.
The best Continuous Insulation because
- Combines rainscreen, insulation, and attachment
- Self-flashing panels; no taping of the board seams
- Drains better, dries better, performs better
- Thermally recessed fasteners; no cold spots
- No energy penalty for the fastener
- No energy penalty for the studs
- Non-conductive stud framing
- Non corrosive stud…no rusting
- Lives up to its name: In-So-Fast
NFPA 285 Cladding Options
- One detail, one solution
- Nationwide Code Compliance
- Rigorous testing and assurances
- Continuous insulation for nearly all assemblies
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in the International Building Code states that – wall assemblies shall be tested in accordance with and comply with the acceptance criteria of NFPA 285. InSoFast has tested and passed these stringent guidelines, here are a few of the possibilities that will work with the InSoFast continuous insulation panel. Please contact us for specific details.
Load Bearing Masonry Assemblies

Steel Frame Assemblies