Using Foam Board Insulation on Interior Walls

Upgrading your home by using foam board insulation on interior walls will create the soundproofing, thermal stabilizing, moisture mitigating environment you seek without any demolition or days of back-breaking work! InSoFast insulation panels go in directly over your existing wall, and the nature of the panels is such that skill and specialized tools are not required for the project.

Professional installation of insulation is often an additional expense related to the upgrade. With InSoFast insulation panels, you can find an affordable insulation solution that you can install without the expense of a contractor involved. If you doubt your ability to complete the install, watch a few videos on our website to see for yourself how easy the installation really will be!

InSoFast insulation panels welcome installation by novices and professionals alike. They compose hard-working insulation systems that outperform competing insulation. Our panels are made of closed-cell, injection-molded EPS foam. Made in America and shipped from our facilities in South Dakota, Idaho, Minnesota, and Massachusetts, InSoFast insulation panels have built-in notches along the edges to guarantee a tight, straight fit and a simple application process.

Insulation wall systems lose effectiveness when breaks or gaps occur in coverage. These thermal bridges are a common issue with fiberglass/frame insulation designs, but they don’t occur with InSoFast insulation systems. Each of our panels includes non-ferrous studs every 16” on center. Embedded within the insulation foam, the design provides framing without thermal bridging, enhancing the effectiveness of the insulation when compared to alternative methods of insulation.

Using Foam Board Insulation on Interior Walls

The R-Value Rating and What It Means

Insulation, categorized by energy efficiency, will have an R-value rating. Higher R-values indicate stronger insulation. InSoFast insulation systems, by design, lack thermal bridging and gaps in coverage that lessen the effectiveness of the insulation. Our patented and patent-pending products work in virtually every climate and meet present and future energy regulations.

InSoFast Interior Insulation Panels

InSoFast insulation panels build wall systems of insulation. These airtight connections come from the interlocking notches along the edges of the panels. A tight fit, embedded non-conductive studs, and strong insulation result in an incredibly effective insulation system.

  • InSoFast UX 2.0 Product Line
    • R-value = 8.5 (outperforms traditional batt walls with R-values of 13)
    • 2” depth
    • Embedded studs display faces along flat surface
  • InSoFast EXi 2.5 Product Line
    • R-value = 10 (outperforms traditional batt ways with R-value of 15)
    • 20% increase in insulation from UX 2.0 panel systems
    • 5” depth
    • Deeper recessed embedded studs retain straight application even over slight irregularities
  • Both composed of EPS foam
    • Closed-cell foam
    • Injection-molded
    • Fire-resistant
    • Class III vapor barrier
    • Chemically and physically inert
    • Standard, stackable units
    • 2’x4’ with different thicknesses
    • Built-in framing that resists rot and thermal breaks
    • Features drainage channels and electric pathways
  • InSoFast PLUS
    • Process that layers a rigid foam board over a system of InSoFast insulation panels
    • R-values are cumulative

Further information about using foam board insulation on interior walls is available on our website or through contact with our professional customer service staff. InsoFast insulation panels easily build upon one another directly over the existing wall to provide a fast and simple home upgrade. Enjoy the quiet, comfortable temperatures, low utility bills, and lasting home that our systems of insulation can provide.