Have you thought about converting your garage but are stumped about what to do with the cold uninsulated concrete slab floor? Insulate it quickly and cost-effectively with InSoFast EPS foam insulation panels!
InSoFast is a style of engineered continuous insulation that comes in 24-inch x 48-inch interlocking panels of varying depths. Install the UX 2.o or EXi 2.5 panel to warm up the garage and provide the perfect foundation for finish flooring, such as carpeting.
The versatile closed-cell, injection-molded InSoFast panels feature a continuous R-value of 8.5 to 10, rot-resistant framing, drainage channels, electrical raceways, and tightly interlocking tongue-and-groove edges that don’t require taping.
A Do-It-Yourselfer’s Dream
Before you start, make sure the concrete slab is in good condition, level, and free of excess moisture. Low spots should be filled in with concrete patch or concrete floor leveler.
Apply a concrete sealer to block moisture or install a vapor barrier on the concrete floor prior to installing the InSoFast panels unless you’re working with new construction with a vapor barrier already installed underneath the slab.
Measure the floor-to-ceiling height to ensure you will have adequate clearance between the ceiling and the surface of the finished floor to comply with building codes.
InSoFast panels alone will raise the floor by 2- to 2½-inches. Subflooring (a minimum of ½-inch is required on top of the InSoFast panels) and your choice of floor covering will reduce the clearance further, so plan accordingly for the best results.
Tools and supplies? All you need is a utility knife, saw (hand, jig, skill or table), construction glue, and a caulk gun and you’re good to go!
How to Install the Panels
There are four basic methods for installing InSoFast floor insulation:
Floating: The simplest, quickest installation involves placing the panels directly on the concrete without any adhesive. It will make carpeted, laminate, and wood floors feel softer and more comfortable.
Glued down: Bond the panels in place with a 3/8” bead of PL Premium 3X Stronger Construction Adhesive along the dove-tailed ribbing of each stud. This method can be used for carpet, laminate and wood floors.
Screwed down: For any type of flooring, InSoFast panels can be attached to the concrete floor by installing concrete screws through the studs.
Fully adhered: If you want to install a tile floor, set the InSoFast panels in a bed of thin-set tile adhesive to create a solid base that eliminates movement.
When you’re converting your garage, there’s little question that InSoFast panels are the best way to insulate the concrete floor. Call us today to explore our great products!