The insulation chosen for your basement in St. Paul, Minnesota should work without question. The insulation panels we offer at InSoFast, LLC, are able to maintain low heating costs without the added expense of professional installation or special tool purchases.
Flipping the Insulation Paradigm
The wall systems of insulation created from InSoFast insulation panels are easy to construct because of the tongue-and-groove notches along the edges of each panel. The panels were originally directed toward the professional construction market, but the versatile features, quality insulation, and easy installation provided a strong foothold in the DIY market.
Our website, provides an easy measure for ordering insulation panels, and we welcome customers to buy in-person at Menards locations. In St. Paul, Minnesota, you’ll find locations on University Avenue W and Robert Street S in West St. Paul, as well as in nearby Fridley, Maplewood, Richfield, and Golden Valley.
Basement Insulation Panels from InSoFast, LLC
The InSoFast insulation panels function together as a unit of continuous insulation. Various features built into the panel design make a range of processes easier, such as wiring, drywalling, and installation itself.
The 2.0 Flat Panel from InSoFast, LLC, features a resistance to thermal energy loss at an R-8.5 level that complies with all base level energy codes. The panel measures 24”x48”x2” and has exposed stud facings along one side of the panel.
The 2.5 Flat Panel has an R-10.5 energy efficiency with more deeply embedded studs and a tighter fit than the 2.0 Flat Panels. The alignment that results is effortlessly true and straight.
InSoFast insulation panels provide many advantages including the following:
- Treated with fire-resistant components
- Functional as a Class III vapor barrier
- Built-in framing that isn’t conductive or vulnerable to corrosion
- Moisture drainage channels
- Service channels that run in both directions
- Straightforward installation process
Why InSoFast Insulation Panels Are the Best Choice
Every residential structure demands insulation, and with InSoFast insulation panels, you’ll get the best.
Improved Respiratory Conditions
Breathing in mold and mildew is terrible for respiratory health. InSoFast insulation panels don’t resist water, so mold/mildew won’t develop on the surface. The panels also have moisture drainage channels to eliminate vapor and water from the wall cavity. Fiberglass insulation, on the other hand, will absorb water and create the perfect petri dish for mold and mildew to thrive. Protect the respiratory health of your family by preventing mold and mildew.
A More Comfortable Home Interior
The peace of a home with quality insulation will facilitate a life of calm and joy without the disruptions of children at play, toilets flushing, or teenage musical inclinations.
When your home maintains a consistent internal temperature due to quality insulation, you’ll have fewer sweating episodes or blanket reaches.
Keep More Money for Family Fun
The overhead costs to keep a home comfortable during the winter can be substantial. Systems of InSoFast insulation will promote lower climate control costs and less wear and tear on the HVAC equipment.
You can lower the costs of installing insulation in your basement by avoiding labor costs when choosing InSoFast insulation. Click here to buy InSoFast online at Menards and select the store you wish to pick it up at, whether it’s in St. Paul, Minnesota, or another Menards location.