Detailing Windows
Window detail installation is simple when you choose InSoFast insulation products. The panels can go straight over the existing weather resistant barrier or house wrap and the InSoFast panels serve as the primary protective barrier for the house wrap and window details. When InSoFast insulation is complete, it functions as a secondary weather resistant barrier.
Called InSoFast for a Reason!
The name of our products is no misnomer. If you are a professional builder reducing the trips to the wall, providing redundant weather protection, exceeding energy saving requirement, while providing your customer the best value is a smart move.
Outset Windows
An outset window is installed with the nailing flange flush with the front face of the InSoFast panels. Install window and flashings as per window manufacturer’s installation instructions prior to installing InSoFast panels.
Side Jamb Detail
The side jamb is installed with the nailing flange flush with the front face of the InSoFast panels. Typically an extension jamb is used to bring the window flush with the exterior finihed surface. Install window and flashings as per window manufacturer’s installation instructions prior to installing InSoFast panels.
Typical Sill Flashing Detail
An inset window is installed with the nailing flange flush to the exterior sheathing layer of the wall. It requires sill and jamb extensions for the exterior. Install window and flashings as per window manufacturer’s installation instructions prior to installing InSoFast panels.
Other Through-Wall Penetrations
Mechanical penetrations are treated as they would be for typical construction. All through-wall penetrations should be installed and sealed back to the WRB layer before the InSoFast panels are installed. Install penetrations to manufacturer’s installation instructions. Cut and fit the InSoFast panel around the penetration, leaving a ¼” gap. Fill the gap between the penetration and the InSoFast panel with a foam sealant.
InSoFast insulation outperforms traditional batt insulation because it works as a continuous insulation system. With no thermal breaks in coverage, the R-value of the panels is not depreciated by air movement or exposed at the through wall fasteners. The EXe 2.5 flat panels have an R-value of 10 and are ideal for exterior use. The exterior panels have dual drainage channels that eliminate moisture from affecting the window flashing layer.